Rules & Regulations

The school day commences with a prayer at the Morning Assembly and all the students / teachers / Staff must be on time for it.

It is compulsory for every student to be present on the re-opening and closing day of the school after every vacation and on the days marked 'Attendance Compulsory'. The only exception to the above rule will be ill health of the student, in which case it should be notified to the school authorities within two days and not when the student comes back to school. Failing to do so the name of the student will be struck off the school register.

Every student must have a copy of the school diary which must be brought to school every class day. A student will not be allowed to sit in the class without the school diary.

Students who have been absent from class must have the reason entered in the regularity record stating briefly the cause of absence. The statement must be written and signed by Parents/Guardians. Reason of private nature may be submitted in a letter.

An absence due to illness for two or more days, besides being entered in the Regularity Record under 'Absent' must be accompanied by a doctor's prescription.

If an unauthorised absence from the school exceeds 15 days, the student's name may be struck off the rolls, and he/she may not be readmitted to the school.

Absence from the school without leave is not tolerated except when the cause is sudden illness or unforeseen circumstances, in which case the information must be given at the earliest. A leave granted must be recorded in the Regularity Record under 'Leave' in the school diary. This must be signed by the Principal.

Leave of absence is not given without a previous written application from the Parents/Guardians stating of the reason, which must be a serious one. Religious ceremonies, birthdays, excursions, festivals, urgent business, time to study for an examination, late return from holidays are not valid or sufficient reasons for absent from the school.

Early departure : It is availed when there is an emergency at home or when a student gets sick in the school. It is not granted to those who come from home sick.

Late arrival to school is a breach of discipline. A student who comes late to school must enter the date and time of arrival in the Regularity Record under 'Late'. Admission to class for absentees and late corners, is granted when they show the teacher in charge the Regularity Record duly counter signed by the Principal.

Habitual late corning or corning to school with improper/incomplete uniform may call for disciplinary action inclusive of being sent back home, and on such occasions the school declines all responsibility for their safe return.

Once In the school, no student will be allowed to leave the Campus without the authorization of the Principal, who will require the written request from the parents to take a child out. The exit pass must be noted in the school diary; for security reasons, no one other than the parents or persons authorized by them may take the child out of the school.

Students must bring their own tiffin and should avoid buying tiffin from shops around the school. The school is not responsible for the food sold by these vendors.

Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, disobedience of students whose conduct in and out of the school premises is injurious to the moral climate of the school or incompatible with strict discipline will be dealt with sternly.

Any kind of scribbling on the walls, damaging the property of the school, misappropriation of the things belonging to others etc. are considered serious faults. Besides the damages being made up for by the student concerned, he/she may be suspended or dismissed from the school.

Students should come to school in full uniform. They must look clean and tidy. Whenever the complete or correct uniform cannot be worn, permission to attend school must be obtained on the Regularity Record under 'Uniform'.

Students should come to school in full uniform. They must look clean and tidy. Whenever the complete or correct uniform cannot be worn, permission to attend school must be obtained on the Regularity Record under 'Uniform'.

Students are responsible for the safe custody of their own books and belongings. Each article should be marked with the student's name.

Students should not bring valuable articles to the school. No cell phones, cameras, walkman, transistor radio, watch with alarm, CDs & DVDs, electronic gadgets and other similar fancy items shall be brought to the school. The school is not responsible for money or jewellery that is lost when brought to the school.

Students are not allowed to bring books, magazines, newspapers or other periodicals into the school without the permission of the Principal.

Students are not allowed to bring crackers and colours to the school. Bursting of crackers and playing with colours are liable to lead to expulsion from the school.

No one is allowed to remain in the class room during break and the games period except when it rains.

During the change of periods or when going from one class to another, silence must be observed.

Students are to address their teachers and all members of the school staff with due respect and their behaviour inside and outside the school should be befitting.

Don Bosco students should also be polite among themselves, speaking gently to one another and behaving at all times in a friendly and loving manner.

No collections of fines or funds are to be made in the school without the explicit permission of the Principal.

No remarks once written in the diary can be cancelled by anyone other than the Principal.