Mission & Vision

Mission & Vision

Don Bosco School, Gumla

Our Mission

Inspired by this statement of Don Bosco, we Salesian wholly dedicate ourselves for the all round formation of the students, to help out students to understand and appreciate life. We train students in habits of study, discipline, self reliance and moral values so as to become a worthy citizen of our country. In all these we follow the PREVENTIVE SYSTEM taught and practiced by DON BOSCO. This system is based on conviction, prevention of faults, correction, loving kindness and the fear of God.


Following footsteps of the great Educator-Saint John Bosco, we the Educational Institution of Don Bosco School, Gumla strive to offer integral formation to the young vis-a-vis education, culture, God-Eperience, personal and social development and help them to make right choice in life. In a family atmosphere of joy and optimism and with the educative system of Don Bosco-Reason, Love of God and Loving kindness we educate the future leaders of our Nation.