Dress code of the school :

The school uniform is a sacred and prized possession of the student, who wears it. It symbolizes the ethos and culture of the School, of which the student is an integral part. Every student must wear a clean, complete and correct uniform daily. Defaulters may be sent back home.

For Girls

White blouse with half sleeve

Don Bosco, Gumla monogram stitched on the left side of the blouse as a full pocket

Grey skirt

Maroon tie

Plain black leather shoes and grey socks

For Boys

White half sleeve shirt

Grey short pants (for classes 1 to 5), Grey long pants (for classes 6 to 10)

Maroon tie

Plain black leather shoes with laces and grey socks

PT dress on Saturdays

For winter : A plain light grey pullover or Navy Blue blazer

To ensure uniformity, material must be obtained from the school authorized dealer. No other shades of material will be allowed.